Monday, February 6, 2017

How To Make An iMovie

How To Make

An iMovie

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Screenshot by: Dylan B.

Hello! It’s Dylan B., and I’m in Mrs. Yollis’ 2016 - 2017 class. I am the 3rd place winner from Family Blogging Month. You might know me, I’m a regular commenter and I’m here to teach you how to make an iMovie on the iPad.

Here is a movie I made
called How to Make an iMovie! Watch and learn!

Here are some written directions for you! Read and learn! 

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Screenshot by: Dylan B.

Search for the iMovie app on your iPad. If it's not on your iPad, it’s about $5. To open a new movie project, click on the little + sign in the northeast corner.

iMovie New.png
Screenshot by: Dylan B.

When you click on the + it will lead you to options, Trailer or Movie.
Screenshot by: Dylan B.



Screenshot by: Dylan B.

If you choose Trailer, there will be choices for themes. You will click on the theme you want and then press create. Then it will take you to this screen with an outline.

Screenshot by: Dylan B.

To take a photo or video you go to, Storyboard, Camera, then choose if you want photo or video
If you want the video, choose video and the circle will be red.
If you want the regular camera, choose photo, and it will be gray.

If you don't like the video you just filmed you can press the trash can, to delete it.



Screenshot by: Dylan B.
Once again, there will be some choices of themes. You will click on the theme you want and then you will press create.

If you choose Movie, your screen will look like this.
Screenshot by: Dylan B.

This time when you want to take a picture or video, you will click on the camera and operate it like your regular Apple camera.

If you want to add sound, drag the cursor into the right spot of the movie clip and click the microphone, then press record.

Have you ever made a movie?

What would be a good subject for a movie?


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