Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Global Play Day ~ 2017

Today, my class participated in Global School Play Day

Thank you to the Bedley Brothers and Twitter for introducing me to this project! The power of a Personal Learning Network (PLN) triumphs again!

I was heavily influence to participate in #GSPD after listening to this eye opening presentation: 

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On Monday, I emailed parents, shared "The Decline of Play" video, and asked for games to be brought in for our #GSPD event. On Wednesday, we had a full day of play!

The sessions were sensational!

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First, we talked about the rules. 
There would only be , the Golden Rule.

In the morning, we joined our young Journeys buddies for some play! They were having a super hero party! Check out the fabulous Ms. Regina in her super hero outfit! 

Photos by Mrs. Yollis 

There were many powerful super heroes in the room!

Board games were popular! 

The referees call field goal!

Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots was a real crowd pleaser! 

After a great session, we headed back to our 

classroom for more play!

Towers were built, yet needed more engineering! 

Board games brought big smiles! 

 Students played Scrabble! 

Origami was available! 

Many were drawn to the magnets! 

This was a fun game. What was the name of this

 game? What was the object of the game? 

Some students went outside to play! 

What is your opinion of Global School Play Day? 

Would you recommend it? 

Support your opinion with some examples. 

Convince me!


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