Friday, October 14, 2016

Comments Count!

We are enjoying being a part of Edublog's Student Blogging Challenge! Week 2 Task: Time To Comment

The comment section is where a blog can really come to life! It is a place where you can interact with readers and learn more about one another. So, we spent the week becoming better commenters!

How I teach my third graders to comment.

First, we learn how to comment using an informational video made by my former students. Through this video, we learn the FIVE tips for leaving a quality comment:

Step 1: Compliment the blogger in a specific way.
Step 2: Add new factual information.
Step 3: Make a connection.
Step 4: Ask a relevant question to get a conversation going.
Step 5: Always proofread your comment before publishing! 

★     ★     ★     ★     ★

A few other ways to teach commenting.

Collaborative Commenting

Here is a fantastic group comment from our blogging buddies in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Their librarian, Mrs. Talley, connects her classes to ours via the comment section on our 366 Photo-of-the-Day Blog


The photo that inspired a collaborative comment. 

Mrs. Talley composed a quality comment with a class during their weekly visit to the library. 

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As a group, I helped compose a reply. (Since I am the only one who can type proficiently, I type for my student bloggers. Soon they'll be typists and will be able to compose quality comments themselves.) Any student who added an idea or sentence gets his/her name added to the closing of the comment. 

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Learning From One Another ★ 

A weekly homework assignment is to leave a blog comment by Friday on a blog post of interest. Students must have parent supervision on the blog. 

This photo from our  BreakOut EDU experience brought an interesting  comment from a student. 

Photo by Mrs. Yollis

Check out Elie's analogy:  BreakOut EDU reminds me of a restaurant.  

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Elie shared his comment in class, and we talked about analogies. Before long, another student left a comment with a different analogy. Hayden thinks that BreakOut EDU is like kayaking in a double kayak!  

Again, collaborative comments are a great way to teach this important blogging skill. This group comment was written by Reese, Elie, Lola, Rose, and Nolan.

 Learning From Parents ★ 

Parents, called Virtual Volunteers, help us learn about commenting! Here is a wonderful comment about our BreakOut EDU experience from Nolan's mom. 

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What are some other ways to teach 
commenting skills?


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