Friday, October 7, 2016

BreakOut EDU!

Mrs. Garcia came to our room today with a fabulous game! 
It was called BreakOut EDU

Photo by Mrs. Yollis

First, Mrs. Yollis put us into eight teams, one for each letter in the word TEAMWORK. Then Mrs. Garcia explained the rules. We would have 45 minutes to solve eight problems. A correct answer would lead to a number or word that unlocked a lock. Two hints were permitted

Photo by Mrs. Yollis

Would we be able to unlock them all?  

Photo by Mrs. Yollis 

TEAMWORK was important!
If you finished your task and unlocked one lock, you were free to go and help other teams. 

 Everyone was intrigued with the locks.  

Photo by Mrs. Yollis 

With 45 minutes on the clock, we began our challenge! 

Some students worked with Morse code.

Others constructed a time line. 

These two are discussing a math task to solve a mystery. 

Hundreds charts and logical reasoning were used repeatedly.

Sometimes the locks opened. Other times they did not. 
If the code didn't open the lock, we had to try something new. 


One by one we began our escape! 

Here we are at the halfway mark! Four unlocked. 

With over nine minutes to spare, we unlocked the box! This was our second attempt to break out, and we used teamwork and perseverance to succeed

Photo by Mrs. Garcia

We loved this type of collaborative learning!  A tip of the hat to Jeanine Huebner for the BreakOut EDU tasks! 

Without revealing too many clues, what was difficult about your task?

What did you learn about yourself from this experience? 


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