Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hour of Code!

Computer Science Education Week
December 7 - 13, 2015

To celebrate Computer Science Education Week, Mrs. Yollis and her students will participate in the global Hour of Code! This is the third year of participation for Mrs. Yollis' class. 

Thank you, Hadi Partovi for creating this project!

Computer Science week coincides with the birthdays of two computer science pioneers. A pioneer is a person who is one of the first to enter a field of study or explore a new area of thought. 

  • Ada Lovelace, born in England on December 10, 1815, is considered the world's first computer programmer.

  • Grace Hopper, whose birthday is December 9, 1906, was an American computer programmer and Navy rear admiral. She
    Photo Credit
    contributed to the development of the COBOL language and is credited with popularizing the term "computer bug" in the programming community. 
Grace Hopper said: "To me programming is more than an important practical art. It is also a gigantic undertaking in the foundations of knowledge."

For students:
We will be accessing these Hour of Code Tutorials on our Acers or iPads. 

A hearty thank you, Lisa Highfill for putting these Hour of Code tutorials into a useful hyperdoc! 

Students, you are free to go to these tutorials at home with your parents. Share what you've learned with the class in the comment section! On Monday, we will start our Hour of Code Tutorials and begin to write and create with code!

We will be Tweeting about our progress using the hashtag #HourOfCode. 

Because coding is a language, Hour of Code activities will also serve as our grammar homework for the week!

What are you going to create with code?

What are some coding sites or apps that you like?

Teach us some code in the comment section!  


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