Thursday, November 19, 2015

Terse Verse :: Twitter Time!

We recently completed a unit on folktales.  
What are folk tales? 

folk tale
plural noun: folktales
  1. a story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth.

One type of folk tale is the fairy tale. 
Fairy tales have some basic elements:

  • Often start with "Once upon a time..."
  • Involve magic and enchantment
  • Royalty 
  • Wicked characters 
  • Good characters
  • Reward goodness
  • Often end with "And they lived happily ever after."

After students read and shared several fairy tales, they worked together to summarize the fairy tale for Twitter. Because Twitter only allows 140 characters, the summary needed to be brief. 

Behold! A Twitter Terse Verse

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More Terse Verses to come! 

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HOW did we write our Terse Verses?
We used a collaborative Google Doc!

First, students signed in to the shared Terse Verse Google Doc with their partner. It was fun to watch everyone arrive on the Google Doc!  It looked like magic as a plethora of cursors moved independently. Bit by bit the terse fairy tale summaries were written.   

Students read and followed the directions at the top of the Terse Verse doc. Everyone learned how to highlight words or phrases, and how to find out the word count of the summary.  

Which fairy tale was your favorite?

What do you notice about the photos?


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